4-H- Mary Theriot
Art- Angelle Portier
Band- Evan Lapeyrouse
Beta- Charlene Borne
Cheerleaders- Hayden Robichaux
Choir- Erin Templet
Drama Club- Hayley Rhodes/ Mary Theriot/ Shay Prosperie
ESports- Mary Theriot
Gaming Club- Mary Theriot
Gatorettes- Susan Adams/ Noelle Dupre
National Honor Society- Nikki Thibodaux & Bailey Kraemer
Student Council- Katy Ledet, Hayden Robichaux, & Candace Gallicio
PBIS- Amber Null
Quiz Bowl- Philip Walther
Yearbook- Hayden Robichaux
Senior Class- Susan Adams & Katy Ledet
Junior Class- Mariah Walker/ Noelle Dupre (Ring Ceremony)
Sophomore Class- Cally Trosclair
Freshman Class- Candace Gallicio
Senior Banquet- Amber Null
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