Vision, Mission, and Goals
Terrebonne Parish School District has embraced a growth mindset, ensuring with unwavering care and support that 100% of a guaranteed and viable curriculum is effectively taught to 100% of our students. This approach, along with stakeholder collaboration, will ultimately lead to every student being on or above grade level and graduating high school with the skills, knowledge, and preparation to be college and/or career ready.
Engage, Educate and Empower Every Student, Every Day
Core Beliefs:
- The key to learning is to create aligned, engaging work for every student, every day.
- Every student deserves to have an effective teacher, and every teacher deserves to have an effective leader.
- Effective instruction must meet the needs of all students, so that every child can learn at appropriate levels.
- Given a safe and supportive environment, all students can learn.
- Parent and community collaboration is fundamental to achieving and sustaining excellence.
- We are a great school district, and we will be greater because of our commitment to high expectations.
Our District Performance Score will be an A status by 2025. (Annual target growth of 2.5 points)
- Ninety-five percent (95%) of students will graduate on time by 2025. (Annual target improvement is 2% per year. Current District rate is 89.9%.)
- By 2025, at least 40% of graduates will achieve either a passing score of an AP or a CLEP test or earn an advanced jumpstart credential. (Annual target is a 6% increase each year as reflected on Strength of Diploma.)
- Students will be proficient on ACT with an average composite score of 20.2 or higher by 2025. (Current ACT average composite is 18.)
- By 2025, 75% of 3rd grade students and 8th grade students will score Basic or above in ELA and Math with 50% scoring Mastery or above. (Annual target data for specific content/grades is detailed on our Academic Strategic Plan.)
- Students will enter Kindergarten ready to learn based on TS Gold expectations in Pre-K. (By 2025, 95% of Pre-K students will meet expectations.)
- By 2025, 80% of the third grade students will be benchmarked by the End-of Year (EOY) state screener.
Academic Strategic Plan:
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