
Cheryl Degruise
A. D. Martin, Jr. West Park Special Education and Federal Center
7573 West Park Avenue
Houma, LA 70364
Phone: 985.879.6400 Ext. 841288

Kaylyn DeHart
A. D. Martin, Jr. West Park Special Education and Federal Center
7573 West Park Avenue
Houma, LA 70364
Phone: 985.879.6400 Ext. 841260
The following programs are maintained through Federal Programs:
- Title I School-Wide Programs
- Title I Parent and Family Engagement
- Title II Professional Development
- Title IV - Well-Rounded/Safe and Healthy/Technology
- English Learners (EL)/ELPT (Title III)
- Indian Education (Title VI)
- Migrant Education (Title I, Part C)
- McKinney-Vento and Foster Care (Title IX)
- Prekindergarten
- Immigrant (Title III)
- School Improvement Plans
- Act III - Early Child Network - TPIECE
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