
General Email Address
The Terrebonne Parish Purchasing Department is responsible for procuring all products and services needed to best serve our students and employees. Our objective is to purchase these products and services at the lowest prices and highest quality. Some of our purchases include textbooks, custodial supplies, chemicals, technology supplies, instructional and office supplies, and contracted services.
Supplies, Materials, and Services
The School Board operates in compliance with the Louisiana Public Bid Law and in accordance with the policies set forth by the School Board. All purchases in excess of $60,000 must be competitively bid; purchases under this amount are processed on a competitive basis by request for quotations. The Terrebonne Parish School Board reserves the right to use any state, government, or local contract. The School Board encourages small business, minority owned business, and women owned businesses to participate in the quotation and bid process.
Bidding Opportunities
Bid advertisements are published in the Official Journal, The Houma Courier, throughout the year.
Persuant to R.S. 28:2212 (E), the Terrebonne Parish School Board has also partnered with Central Bidding to distribute bid solicitations, collect responses, and/or allow contractors and vendors the ability to respond through a uniform and secure electronic interactive bidding system. Vendors may register to Central Bidding to receive notifications of all bidding opportunities and submit bids electronically at no cost to them. Central Bidding charges vendors to download bid specifications that can alternatively be requested from the Purchasing Department at no cost.
** All bids shall be submitted via Central Bidding. Hand delivered, emailed, or facsimile (FAX) copies of the proposal will not be accepted, unless stated otherwise in the bid documents. **
All bid packets can be found on Central Bidding or can be requested by emailing purchasing@tpsd.org.
Vendor Requirements
In order to be added as a TPSB vendor, a vendor application must be submitted to the Purchasing Department with a W-9. A current certificate of liability insurance must also be on file at all times if firm representatives will be accessing any Terrebonne Parish School Board campus.
Vendor Application (updated 08-30-2024)
Insurance Requirements Document
Section 16 Lands
The Purchasing Department is responsible for bidding and managing leases on Section 16 lands. These leases include hunting and trapping, campsite, surface, and outdoor advertising leases. Aerial maps may be obtained from the TPCG Tax Assessor's website. Contact the Purchasing Department for a list of vacant sections.
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