Title I Part C - Migrant Program

Renee' Fonseca
A. D. Martin, Jr. West Park Special Education and Federal Center
7573 West Park Avenue
Houma, LA 70364
Phone: 985.879.6434
Cell: 985.381.0980

Sandy Pinell
A. D. Martin, Jr. West Park Special Education and Federal Center
7573 West Park Avenue
Houma, LA 70364
Phone: 985.879.6434
Ext: 841285

Tina Songe
A. D. Martin, Jr. West Park Special Education and Federal Center
7573 West Park Avenue
Houma, LA 70364
Phone: 985.879.6433
The federally-funded Migrant Education Program (MEP) has provided educational and supportive services to migrant children across the nation since 1966. The Louisiana State Board of Education administers the MEP in Louisiana, and funds services in local school districts where fishing and farmworker children live throughout the year. The MEP attempts to locate all eligible children across the state to ensure that they are identified and recruited. The MEP also works through local school districts during the regular academic year to support the education of migrant students. Proof of citizenship is NOT required to qualify for the MEP.
Migrant children may have difficulty in school. MEP services help migrant children adjust to their new school and keep up with their schoolwork. As a result of these services, children are better prepared to succeed. They are also more likely to graduate from high school and go on to college or employment.
Children and youth through the age of 21 who have not graduated from high school may be eligible for the MEP if they have moved/traveled
- across parish/state lines
- within the last three years
- with a parent/guardian or on his/her own
- to obtain qualifying temporary or seasonal agricultural or fishing employment
The work must be directly related to the planting, cultivating, harvesting or processing of crops, trees, dairy products, meats, fish, or shellfish, or caring for livestock. There are no ethnic, national origin, income or language requirements of the MEP.
Each local MEP project offers services based on the needs of the migrant children it serves.
Educational services may include:
- Free School meals
- Tutoring during the regular school year and summer for grades K-12
- Translation services
- Connection to other support agencies and programs
- College and career preparation
- Monthly newsletters
- School supplies
- Technology resources
- Summer learning opportunities
- Enrichment opportunities
- Earlly childhood learning kits
- Parent learning opportunities
Supportive services include:
- Statewide recruitment of eligible migrant children
- Sharing of student information among the MEPs throughout the country
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