Title IV, Part A
Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant
- The purpose of Title IV is to provide all students access to a well-rounded education, improve school conditions for learning (safe and healthy), and improve the use of technology to improve academic achievement and digital literacy.
- Activities should be evidence-based and/or best practices.
- iCARE Prevention Summit Training
- My Ascension Presentation
- Supplies and Healthy Roster athlete tracking for community partnership with TGMC Sports Institute
- Physical Education resources
- Technology conference (LACUE)
- Google Certification Training
- Career Compass Counseling (grades 8-12)
- Career Compass Services in TPSD Flyer
- Music Education
- Professional Development for all Band and Choir, grades 5-12
- UDBapp Pro for all high schools
- Sightreading Factory for all Band and Choir, grades 5-12
- Terrebonne Parish Indoor Percussion
- EL Support: Imagine Language and Literacy
- Parent Online Newsletter Subscription
- STEM Materials
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