Nonpublic Equitable Services

Alesia Blanchard
A. D. Martin, Jr. West Park Special Education and Federal Center
7573 West Park Avenue
Houma, LA 70364
Phone: 985.879.6400 Ext. 841277
Under the Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), local education agencies (LEAs) must provide equitable services for eligible private school students, teacher, educational school personnel and their families.
TPSD Nonpublic Coordinator works with qualifying nonpublic school administration to utilize assigned Title I and Title VIII (Titles II, III, and IV) funds to support students, teachers, and educational school personnel using Federal and State Guidelines.
- Covenant Christian Academy
- Houma Christian School
- Messiah Montessori School
- St. Bernadette Elementary
- St. Francis de Sales School
- St. Gregory Elementary
- St. Matthews Episcopal School
- Vandebilt Catholic High School
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