Registration Information
2025-2026 Registration Dates and Procedures
Kindergarten registration will be February 26, 2025, through May 23, 2025, at each public school and throughout the summer beginning May 26, 2025, at the School Board Office until school reopens.
In order to be eligible to register for Kindergarten, a child must be five years of age on or before September 30, 2025. Children who attended our Pre-K program during the 2024-2025 school session do not have to register for Kindergarten.
For questions or more information, contact the Child Welfare and Attendance Department, 985-876-7400.
Documentation Needed for Registration:
- Immunization record (Baby Shots)
- Birth Certificate (Click here for the form to apply for a certified Birth Certificate)
- Social Security Card
- Proof of residence - ex: utility bill (electric, water, or gas), copy of utility deposit, lease, purchase agreement, or a rent receipt.
*All Forms must be completed for Registration whether they pertain to your student or not.
Read the links below for more information:
Registration for new, in-parish transfers and transferring students coming from out of parish or out of state can go to the public school or the School Board Office to register. Specifically, throughout the summer beginning May 26, 2025, at the School Board Office, (Registration Hours: 8:00AM to 4:00PM), until school reopens.
Documents Required for Registration:
- Birth Certificate
- Immunization Record
- Last Report Card
- Name and Address of Previous School
- A withdrawal form from Previous School
- Custody Papers
- Divorced parents or parents who live at separate addresses.
- Legal guardians, who are not the parents, with signed judgements.
- Provisional Custody that has been notarized and filed with the Clerk of Courts office.
In addition to the above listed documents, each new registrant must provide proof of residency.
These items must be current and not past due.
If you are a homeowner, two (2) of the following must be provided:
- Current gas bill
- Current electric bill
- Current water bill
- Homestead Exemption notification
- Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s), current Louisiana Driver’s License with address
- The Homeowner’s Original Bill of Sale
- Purchase Agreement of home
If you are renting, two (2) of the following must be provided:
- Rent or lease agreement/receipt (apt., trailer, or home). Must have owner’s contact info for verification.
- Current gas, water, or electric bill in renter’s name.
- If an apartment, all registrants must be listed on lease.
If you are living with another person, two (2) of the following must be provided:
- A notarized affidavit of domicile address
- Current gas, water, or electric bill of homeowner
- If an apartment, all registrants must be listed on the lease.
Online Registration System (ORS)
The link below includes registration for PreKindergarten, Head Start, Child Care, and Grades K-12.
online registration
* Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year opens on Monday, February 17, 2025.
Instructions for ORS
Registration Packets
Enrollment (Registration) Packets are only available for Grades K - 12. PreK, HeadStart, and Child Care must use the ORS.
Scheduling Guides
The scheduling guide for the 2025-2026 school year is now available online. The guide contains information on numerous topics needed by parents with children in secondary schools. For more details or questions, please contact the school's Guidance Office.
Click here for the 2025-2026 Scheduling Guide Google Website.
The major sections of the Scheduling Guides include:
- Louisiana minimum requirements for high school graduation
- Louisiana Core Curriculum
- End of Course and other testing requirements for students entering 9th grade in 2015 and beyond
- Career Diploma entrance requirements and curriculum
- Grade classifications
- Scheduling rules and disclaimer
- Louisiana Early Start program
- Louisiana Virtual School program
- Terrebonne Vocational-Technical High School
- Athletics eligibility
- NCAA requirements to participate in college athletics
- Louisiana public universities admissions criteria and contact information
- Tuition Opportunity Program for Students (TOPS) requirements
- Tuition Opportunity Program for Students - Tech Awards (TOPS Tech) requirements
- Individual Graduation Plans - IPG (formerly Five-Year Educational Plans)
- Course descriptions
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