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School for Exceptional Children

Welcome Back!!!

A note from the Principal!!

I am looking forward to the students returning to school, on Monday, August 7th. We hope everyone had an enjoyable summer! I would like to thank all of the parents and/or guardians who attended our Meet & Greet on Friday.  It was wonderful seeing and/or meeting each of you.  We will be hosting Open House on August 22nd.  Parents are reminded to join the SEC Facebook page and to view the SEC webpage weekly for important information.  School pictures will be taken on Friday, August 25th at 8:15 AM. Check your child’s folder for the Picture envelopes which will be sent home soon. Students folders will be sent home each Tuesday. Please remember to check their folders and return them on Wednesday.      

It is important to have a clear vision for what we as a school community want to accomplish. How can parents and/or guardians help strengthen our vision? This can be done by checking your child’s folder for school information and/or academic information. Our monthly calendar will include important monthly dates and upcoming dates. Again, thanks for your continued support in keeping the home school line of communication open.  If you have any questions  or concerns please feel free to contact me at 985-303-4832.  

Educational yours,

Tammy Camille

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