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Our School

Our School

About Us

Schriever School was erected in 1949 and has served the Schriever community for more than 70 years.  Currently, Schriever Elementary School educates over 500 students from Pre-Kindergarten to Third Grade.

Schriever Elementary School is a Title 1 School.  Title 1 funds are used to fund Pre-Kindergarten, technology, Staffing-Instructional Coach, Paraprofessional, and Professional Development.

Teachers participate in weekly Professional Learning Communities in which they are allowed time to collaborate and analyze data to make instructional decisions.  Grade level teams work together to plan for learning through meaningful instructional tasks and assessments aligned to the grade level curriculum standards defined by the Louisiana Department of Education.  To continue instructional support, teachers participate in professional development activities throughout the school year.

Teamwork is the key to our success at Schriever Elementary School.


Schriever Elementary School, in partnership with parents and community, is committed, is committed to ensuring all students learn by educating the whole child academically and socially.  Through inquiry and discussion, students will discover new ways of thinking with an aligned essential curriculum while advancing to the next educational level on the path to college and career readiness.


Each and every student at Schriever Elementary will strive for success in academics and behavior.

School goals aligned to Vision:

By the end of the 24-25 school year… 

All students in Pre-K Population 1 will score at the “Meeting Expectations" range AND all students in Population 2 will maintain or increase their level of performance for  4-year-olds in Literacy Objectives for Development   and Learning as measured by the Teaching Strategies GOLD assessment by at least 6 points.

 All students in Pre-K Population 1 will score at the "Meeting Expectations" range AND all students in Population 2 will maintain or increase their level of performance for 4-year-olds in Math Objectives for Development and Learning as measured by the Teaching Strategies GOLD assessment by at least 4 points.

100% of students in kindergarten through third grade will benchmark or show above average growth in individual literacy goals on fluencies measured with the Literacy Screener by the end of the school year.

100% of students in kindergarten through third grade will achieve on level status in math skills as measured with the Math Screener (IXL) by the end of the school year.

Increase the percent proficient in ELA from 43% to 50% as measured by LEAP 2025.

Increase the percent proficient in Math from 29% to 39% as measured by LEAP 2025.

School Letter Grade

The school performance score summarizes how well a school is preparing all of its students for the next level of study. For elementary schools, this score is based on students’ mastery of key content for their grade level, their growth from the prior year, and their successful transition into 9th grade for schools with 8th grade students. 

Click here for our most recent released School Letter Grade.


Positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) is a school wide systems approach aimed at establishing positive student culture and individualized behavior supports necessary to create a safe and effective learning environment for all students.

PBIS covers a sweeping set of principles that can help schools guide students toward positive behavior and improved discipline.  Rather than focusing on changing the student, PBIS encourages students to change themselves by guiding them with environmental change and teaching consequences.

Daily Conduct Rewards

Throughout the day, the student can earn "Cub Cash" by any faculty member for exhibiting characteristics of PAWS.  Students can redeem their Cub Cash for privileges/tangible rewards.

Weekly A/B Conduct Rewards

Students (K-3) who receive all A's or B's in conduct for the week (Monday-Friday) and have not received a bus referral during the week will earn extra special Cub Cash.

Monthly Conduct Rewards

Once a month students who have weekly averages of A or B during the month, with no daily averages of D's or F's, and have not received an office referral for the month will be rewarded with a special treat.  These treats may include an extra recess, dress down day, movies, etc.  Monthly incentives will be posted on the PBIS bulletin board in the main hallway and throughout the school.

Bus of Winners

Students are recognized by the bus drivers daily for following all P.A.W.S. bus expectations.  Students receive a coupon from the driver to receive 5 extra Cub Cash.

Individual Classroom Rewards

Classrooms may create their own acknowledgement systems to compliment the school wide systems with approval from the administration.

Student of the Month

Each class will determine one student to represent their class as Student of the Month.  Students will receive a yard sign and certificate to be taken home.  

Louisiana Believes

Preparing for college and careers starts even before kindergarten.

Research shows that children who participate in a high quality early childhood program are more likely to enter school kindergarten ready, which has a lasting impact on their academic success.


All pre-kindergarten students are using an aligned curriculum to ensure that they are learning the Louisiana State Standards.  The following curriculums are used:

  • Frog Street Pre-K 2020 is a comprehensive curriculum that includes support materials, from manipulatives to assessment, to ensure successful implementation of high-quality instruction.
  • Math Pre-K provides an overview of all of the Pre-Kindergarten modules, including Counting to 5; Shapes; Counting to 10; Comparison of Length, Weight, Capacity, and Numbers to 5; and Addition and Subtraction Stories and Counting to 20.
  • The Heggerty Pre-K curriculum includes complex phoneme manipulation activities with adding, deleting, and substituting sounds in spoken words.
  • Teachers also supplement additional activities, as needed.

Grade Level Goals

By the end of the 2024-2025 school year . . .

  • All students in Pre-K will meet or exceed expectations based on a year's growth in TS GOLD.


All kindergarteners are using an aligned curriculum in each subject area to ensure that they are learning the Louisiana State Standards.  The following curriculums are used:

  • Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) is a research-based, comprehensive English Language Arts (ELA) program that integrates reading language, writing, speaking, and listening and encompasses the five components of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension). 
  • iReady Math is used for mathematics. Kindergarten students develop a deep understanding of number as they count, compare, compose, and decompose. They learn to make sense of problems as they explore number, shape, and measurement concepts.
  • Amplify Science is used for science.  Amplify Science blends hands-on investigations, literacy-rich activities, and interactive digital tools to empower students to think, read, write, and argue like real scientists and engineers.
  • Bayou Bridges is used for social studies.  Bayou Bridges is designed to ensure students have broad and deep knowledge about the world and are able to express reasoned arguements and are prepared to participate in civic life.

Grade Level Goals

By the end of the 2024-25 school year. . .

  • 100% of students in kindergarten through third grade will benchmark or show above average growth in individual literacy goals on fluencies measured with the Literacy Screener by the end of the school year.
  • 100% of students in kindergarten through third grade will achieve on level status in math skills as measured with the Math Screener (iReady) by the end of the school year.


All first graders are using an aligned curriculum in each subject area to ensure that they are learning the Louisiana State Standards.  The following curriculums are used:

  • Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) is a research-based, comprehensive English Language Arts (ELA) program that integrates reading language, writing, speaking, and listening and encompasses the five components of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension). 
  • iReady Math is used for mathematics. First Grade mathematics is about (1) developing understanding of addition, subtraction, and strategies for addition and subtraction within 20; (2) developing understanding of whole number relationships and place value, including grouping in tens and ones; (3) developing understanding of linear measurement and measuring lengths as iterating length units; and (4) reasoning about attributes of, and composing and decomposing geometric shapes.
  • Amplify Science is used for science.  Amplify Science blends hands-on investigations, literacy-rich activities, and interactive digital tools to empower students to think, read, write, and argue like real scientists and engineers.
  • Bayou Bridges is used for social studies.  Bayou Bridges is designed to ensure students have broad and deep knowledge about the world and are able to express reasoned arguements and are prepared to participate in civic life.

Grade Level Goals

By the end of the 2024-25 school year. . .

  • 100% of students in kindergarten through third grade will benchmark or show above average growth in individual literacy goals on fluencies measured with the Literacy Screener by the end of the school year.
  • 100% of students in kindergarten through third grade will achieve on level status in math skills as measured with the Math Screener (iReady) by the end of the school year.


All second graders are using an aligned curriculum in each subject area to ensure that they are learning the Louisiana State Standards.  The following curriculums are used:

  • Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) is a research-based, comprehensive English Language Arts (ELA) program that integrates reading language, writing, speaking, and listening and encompasses the five components of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension). 
  • iReady Math is used for mathematics. Second grade students work with a new unit of one hundred, which is composed of 10 tens. As they work flexibly with units, students compose and decompose quantities in various ways to solve problems within 1,000.
  • Amplify Science is used for science.  Amplify Science blends hands-on investigations, literacy-rich activities, and interactive digital tools to empower students to think, read, write, and argue like real scientists and engineers.
  • Bayou Bridges is used for social studies.  Bayou Bridges is designed to ensure students have broad and deep knowledge about the world and are able to express reasoned arguements and are prepared to participate in civic life.

Grade Level Goals

By the end of the 2024-25 school year. . .

  • 100% of students in kindergarten through third grade will benchmark or show above average growth in individual literacy goals on fluencies measured with the Literacy Screener by the end of the school year.
  • 100% of students in kindergarten through third grade will achieve on level status in math skills as measured with the Math Screener (iReady) by the end of the school year.


All third graders are using an aligned curriculum in each subject area to ensure that they are learning the Louisiana State Standards.  The following curriculums are used:

  • ELA Guidebooks is an English language arts curriculum for core instruction. In the ELA Guidebooks, students:  explore central questions that connect units in a year-long pathway;  examine texts by diverse authors about substantive topics;  engage in varied opportunities to read, discuss, write, and present; and  experience integrated instruction and assessment leading to a comprehensive ELA experience.
  • iReady Math is used for mathematics. Students multiply and divide within 100 by using different strategies and recognize fractions as numbers, built from unit fractions, and use visual fraction models to describe parts of a whole. Students develop an understanding of area concepts and relate area to addition and multiplication. They reason about shapes and their attributes and recognize perimeter and area as attributes of plane figures. Students use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.
  • Amplify Science is used for science.  Amplify Science blends hands-on investigations, literacy-rich activities, and interactive digital tools to empower students to think, read, write, and argue like real scientists and engineers.
  • Bayou Bridges is used for social studies.  Bayou Bridges is designed to ensure students have broad and deep knowledge about the world and are able to express reasoned arguements and are prepared to participate in civic life.

Grade Level Goals

By the end of the 2024-25 school year. . .

  • 100% of students in kindergarten through third grade will benchmark or show above average growth in individual literacy goals on fluencies measured with the Literacy Screener by the end of the school year.

  • 100% of students in kindergarten through third grade will achieve on level status in math skills as measured with the Math Screener (iReady) by the end of the school year.

  • Increase the percent proficient in ELA from 43% to 50% as measured by LEAP 2025.

  • Increase the percent proficient in Math from 29% to 39% as measured by LEAP 2025.

LEAP 2025

LEAP 2025 will be administered in the spring in ELA, Math, and Science.

  • The ELA assessment will test the areas of literary text, informative text, vocabulary, written expression, and knowledge and use of writing conventions.
  • The LEAP 2025 Math assessment will assess areas of major content, additional and supporting content for grade 3, expressing mathematical reasoning, and modeling and application.
  • The LEAP 2025 Science assessment will assess a student's understanding of the grade 3 LSS for Science, reflecting the multiple dimensions of the standards.
  • The LEAP 2025 Social Studies assessment will assess a student's understanding using accurate and relevant information from their Social Studies knowledge from sources to support claims about Social Studies concepts.

Parent Guide to the LEAP 2025 Tests

The LDOE developed the Parent Guide to the LEAP 2025 Tests to support parents in helping their child prepare for this year's assessments.  The guide, available in the Family Support Toolbox on the website, includes helpful information on test schedules, testing times, and resources such as practice tests and released test items to support student learning at home.

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